Please join the weekly SR meetings; available In-person and live stream through zoom.
Meetings are on Wednesday mornings beginning at
10 am CT and usually last for 1 1/2 hours

In-person location: Kanabec County History Center 805 Forest Ave. W Mora, Minnesota 55051
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 994 7779 8271
Passcode: 061474
What to bring: Yourself, notebook and pen, water.
There are chairs but if you prefer to sit on floor please feel free to bring your own mat and bolster.
What to expect of a meeting:
Meetings usually run 1.5 hours.
We begin by drawing our energies into the meeting with a mindfulness practice called Loving Awareness Practice
Then as in a typical Hatha Yoga class we will stretch the body and open our minds and energy body with some gentle stretching and pranayama (breathing techniques that draw in life force energies). There will also be discussion on what increases our life force and what depletes our life force. As well as the importance of acknowledging and caring for our pranic body.
There will be a short teaching on the use of the mantra 'Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih to raise our vibration and to replace negative mind stuff.
Followed by a teaching on Kriya Yoga philosophy teachings that relate to the Ashtanga System of Yoga.
During the philosophy teaching, Game Changer Skills will be discussed and highlighted as things to practice in between meetings.
Then there will be time for reflection, questions and sharing our ideas.
We will end with Meditation or Mantra or a combination of the two. And a short discussion on how to integrate our SR life with our daily living.
In -Person Meeting Etiquette:
If you click on the Meeting Etiquette pdf below, it will give you some guidelines as far as etiquette for in-person and virtual meetings. These guidelines may seem awkward or new to you and that is ok. I think you eventually will find them easy and self-healing as well as supportive. And no one will do everything perfectly so there will always be some gentle reminding when things move far from the guidelines. I do think it is important that you read them before coming to any meeting. I have put them in a pdf so that you can print them out if you would like to. They will also be displayed at the meetings.
Meeting Etiquette PDF